Member Guide
- All product orders must be submitted through the UAG Store.
- The Member Care team, along with your Sales Rep, will show you how to use The Store, if they have not done so already.
- For ongoing support, please contact Member Care at (702) 815-0400 or via LiveChat.
Shareholder Equity
Members earn stock in two ways, stock fees and vendor rebates:
1% of all purchases through UAG is charged and then converted to stock shares at year end.
Many of our vendor partners offer rebates to UAG Members based on individual member purchases – and/or total UAG purchases – during the vendor’s rebate year. Those rebate dollars are converted into stock on an annual basis. Members can view rebate amounts on the shareholder statement once issued.
Earning equity via stock is a tremendous benefit of being a UAG Member. It is our ongoing hope that you take full advantage of that benefit by doing the following:
- Check periodically to ensure that you are purchasing from Vendors who offer the best rebates. Get the latest information on Vendor incentive programs in the Vendor Directory.
- Members have the ability to purchase additional shares. Some restrictions apply, including a blackout period each year from January 1 through March 31. Contact us with questions.
Line of Credit
Your credit line is established based on several factors including, but not limited to:
- Payment history before and after joining United Aqua Group
- Current personal and corporate credit scores
- Equity holdings with United Aqua Group
- Financial performance for the most recent three years
UAG continuously monitors your purchases against your established credit limit. If invoiced amounts exceed your credit line, your account will be placed on hold, limiting your access to the Store. You can request an increase in your credit limit by either submitting financial documents via the Credit Limit Increase Form on the Member Dashboard or prepaying pending invoices.
An account may also be placed on credit hold if any invoices are overdue by 90 days or if member dues are not paid promptly.
Aqua Rewards Points (ARP)
Members earn different types of Aqua Rewards Points (ARP) through qualifying purchases. There are two kinds of ARP – UAG funded ARP and vendor funded ARP.
UAG ARP is funded through early pay discounts. Purchases from vendors that participate in the early pay program qualify for UAG ARP. Get the most out of membership by buying better and supporting these vendors. Find the list of vendors that provide funding for ARP by visiting the Vendors page on the UAG Store. Vendors will have the badge below next to their name.
UAG ARP Rules and Qualifications:
- Early Buy orders, warranties and credits are disqualified
- Any invoice with a late fee is disqualified
- Rule: A member’s UAG account must be current (including member dues)
- Rule: Members must pay via the online payment portal to qualify
- Schedule a tutorial with Member Care to get setup on the payment portal through the LiveChat link
For new members, the first ARP reimbursement must be used to attend conference first and can then be dispersed amongst other UAG events.
Balance and Statements:
- UAG ARP balances are updated monthly
- Vendor ARP balances are updated on the 10th of the following month (Owner login required)
Upon UAG Membership Termination
If a member leaves UAG during a fiscal year, the member forfeits all ARP (UAG and vendor) and vendor rebates for the fiscal year they leave the group.
If a member does not attend the Annual UAG Conference, a $2,500 ARP deduction will be processed within 14 days of the conference ending for each year unattended. If the ARP penalty deduction results in an overdraft status of the member’s ARP balance, all ARP earned during the applicable quarter will be forfeited unless the difference is paid within 30 days of quarter's end. New members must attend the next Annual UAG Conference for the year in which they join UAG. One conference may be missed within a 5-year timeframe without penalty with the exception of new members.
Vendor ARP
This is a separate program run by certain vendors to reward loyalty. The vendors provide a report to UAG per their fiscal year and the amount is directly deposited into member ARP accounts.
Balance and Statements:
- Estimated expected ARP is available on the Dashboard on the UAG Store (Owner login required)
- ARP balances are updated on the Dashboard for vendor ARP monthly
- Statements are emailed annually (Owner’s email address only)
What Can ARP Be Used For?
ARP can be used to pay expenses for UAG sponsored events so members, and member guests, can enjoy the benefits of education and networking. An ARP Request form can be submitted for reimbursement once a member meets all requirements per the event.
Events will have separate requirements. For example, but not limited to, minimum hotel stays, trade show attendance, and vendor booth visits.
ARP Liquidation
What qualifies for liquidation? Reimbursement, pay off AR balance or UAG stock purchase. The member’s UAG account must be paid/current to make any liquidation requests.
After attending an approved UAG sponsored event, meeting, or education workshop, the attending Member(s) must submit an ARP Request Form from the Member Dashboard.
- Receipts must be included
- The member’s UAG account must be paid/current
- Hotel charges will only be reimbursed if booked through the UAG room block.
If the member’s UAG account is past due, the ARP reimbursement amount will first be applied to the past due AR balance and then any remaining reimbursement amount will be issued.
- Airfare
- Train fare
- Ground transportation
- Car Mileage (company vehicles only)
- Rental car (excludes mileage reimbursement)
- Hotel
Hotel: A copy of the statement from the hotel must be submitted with the ARP Request form to show proof of expenses incurred during UAG sponsored event. Additional room charges, including in-room meals and entertainment, are covered for ARP reimbursement.
Referral Program
Here's how it works
- When you refer someone who becomes a member, you can earn a statement credit for $3,600!
- The new member must have payments processed for orders totaling $150,000 for the statement credit to be applied to the referring member.
Awards of Distinction
The Awards of Distinction (AOD) is a time honored, Members-only competition that recognizes the hard work, dedication, and many achievements of our Members throughout the year. All Members are encouraged to submit entries that showcase exceptional construction, service and retail management. Applications are sent in late summer and are due in autumn. Winners are announced at the AOD Gala held during our Annual Conference. Winners receive commemorative plaques and marketing kits to help promote their achievements.
UAG Scholarship
The UAG Scholarship was established in 2005 to honor the memory of former Chairman, A.J. “Bud” Weisbrod. Each year numerous scholarships are awarded to eligible Member employees or dependents that seek to further their education in college or professional development. The scholarship is a celebration of our ongoing commitment to education and professional growth in the industry.
UAG Foundation
The UAG Foundation strives to alleviate the needs of Members experiencing tragedy as well as better the global community. We have assisted Members who lost homes during floods, given to charities, and rolled up our sleeves to help community centers.
There are two types of recurring charges applicable to all Members:
- Monthly dues: Each Member receives an invoice on the first day of the month for monthly dues of $400.00. All Members pay the same monthly dues. Any delay in paying monthly dues could result in your account being placed on hold.
- Management fees:
- Management fee rates decrease as your purchases increase throughout the fiscal year.
- The starting rate resets to 5% on April 1 of each year.
- Your current fee status is available on the Member Dashboard in real time.